
Friday, 13 March 2009

Shadow city

Under blackfriars

The little chandler's shop with the cracked bell behind the door, whose melancholy tinkling has been regulated by the demand for quarterns of sugar and half-ounces of coffee, is shutting up. The crowds which have been passing to and fro during the whole day, are rapidly dwindling away; and the noise of shouting and quarrelling which issues from the public-houses, is almost the only sound that breaks the melancholy stillness of the night.
Dickens: Sketches by Boz - 1875

Millenium bridge

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

abstract planes.....

Pima Air & Space Museum, Tucson

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Yuma - dereliction

Yuma, Arizona

Dereliction - feels like a continuity with the past; mute communication. May be even a connection to my own vanished but still imagined homes... unrecoverable safety; but yet immutable. Haunted solidity.

The room is dying honey and linden
Where drawers opened in mourning
The house blends with death
In a mirror whose luster is dimming
Jean Bourdeillette

Monday, 9 March 2009

Yuma - Joe

Yuma, Arizona

Yuma - attenuated - gossamer. Loose bound spider's web of roads. Crisp winter morning. Pale.

p>In Yuma I met Joe - Zuni itinerant. Sad, wary, lost soul. Sleeping rough on the banks of the Colorado - boundary: California/Arizona. going to the reservation... where's "Home" Joe?

Yuma - abstracts

Yuma, Arizona

A panicked woman ran out, probing Spanish... why was I taking photographs.... porque muy hermoso... aaah: I thought you were the IRS

Yuma - wall

Yuma, Arizona

Yuma - white horses

Yuma, Arizona

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Yuma - bar

Lutes Casino; Yuma, Arizona

Built in 1901 right in the heart of old downtown Yuma Arizona. It looks old, like old places should. It was built as a general store with a hotel located on the second floor, with the hotel balcony overlooking main street. You ask one of the Lutes why they named the place a casino? "There's no gambling now, of course, but years ago there used to be gambling in here. They paid off the local authorities, and there was a trap door right behind you that went down to the basement where the gambling took place." The place inside looks like there'd be fights and derelicts and stuff hanging around, but there's never any trouble. Everyone's mostly congenial. In the past decade it's become "chic", you might say, to come here.