"Boredom is just the reverse side of fascination: both depend on being outside rather than inside a situation, and one leads to the other."
Susan Sontag - "America, Seen Through Photographs, Darkly" - On Photography - 1977
The present masquerading as past: carefully constructed, nurtured, maintained. Jaded. Smug. Disjointed from the past. Jarring - continuity destroyed in pursuit of... kitsch. Campness.
"The old-style dandy hated vulgarity. The new-style dandy, the lover of Camp, appreciates vulgarity. Where the dandy would be continually offended or bored, the connoisseur of Camp is continually amused, delighted. The dandy held a perfumed handkerchief to his nostrils and was liable to swoon; the connoisseur of Camp sniffs the stink and prides himself on his strong nerves.
It is a feat, of course. A feat goaded on, in the last analysis, by the threat of boredom. The relation between boredom and Camp taste cannot be overestimated. Camp taste is by its nature possible only in affluent societies, in societies or circles capable of experiencing the psychopathology of affluence."
Susan Sontag - Notes On "Camp" - 1964
"The life of the creative man is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes."